Sustainability Bites

Schwarzheide receives OCS certification

We are proud to announce that our site in Schwarzheide, Germany, has received Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) certification after successfully passing a comprehensive audit. This milestone reflects our collective efforts to eliminate plastic pellet loss, a key aspect of our commitment to sustainability.


Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) is an international programme designed to prevent plastic pellet, flake, and powder loss into the environment. It focuses on implementing best practices to ensure that plastic materials are handled responsibly throughout the supply chain, helping to reduce pollution in waterways and ecosystems.

As part of the plastics industry’s collective commitment to preventing plastic pellet loss, Plastics Europe has set an ambitious goal: to have all member company facilities certified under Operation Clean Sweep (OCS). Our site in Schwarzheide is the first Styrolution facility in Europe to earn an OCS certification, following a formal audit by the certification body DQS.

Audits and checks: a holistic approach to OCS

Earlier this year, all our EMEA sites underwent rigorous internal audits to evaluate their compliance with OCS standards. Now, after a few months, the Schwarzheide site has become the first site to pass the formal OCS certification audit. The audit process was thorough, covering both management and physical aspects:

The auditors at DQS examined management practices, including risk assessments, the procedures we have in place, and the comprehensive OCS training provided to our employees. The auditors also scrutinised physical conditions on-site to ensure that all systems were effectively preventing plastic pellet loss. This included essential measures like drain filters that stop pellets from escaping into the environment.

One innovative solution implemented at the Schwarzheide site is a unique filtration system within its process pit that captures pellets before the discharge is sent to a third-party wastewater treatment facility, ensuring that all pellets are securely contained. This proactive approach not only meets OCS standards but sets a benchmark for future projects.

Extending OCS beyond our gates

Achieving OCS certification isn’t just about our internal operations. The audit also assessed how well we encourage our partners—suppliers, transporters, and customers—to adopt OCS practices. Our Sales, Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Procurement Teams have played a key role in spreading the OCS message across our value chain. Their efforts ensure that we, together with our partners, are all committed to preventing plastic pellet loss.

What’s next?

With the certification of Schwarzheide, we’ve taken an important step toward Plastics Europe’s target, and we’re not stopping here. Our plan is to have all our sites certified in the coming years.

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